أهم مقاطع الفيديو
معنى ودلالة « بغير حساب» | د. فاضل السمرائي
After a long time finally another video! This was shot at one of the wonderful studios where I offered treatments and training in Amsterdam back in the day:
Studio Reyn. Hope you’ll enjoy!
Take care and warm regards from North-Holland,
00:00 Intro
01:37 Prone position: Feet, legs and back
14:14 Supine position: Feet, legs, lower back and arms
28:33 Sitting position: Transitioning, shoulders and neck
38:27 Closing Mantra
38:53 Thanks from Amsterdam!
حكايات عربية
المملكة المغربية
الحسين ثورة | حسين فيصل
cleaning my litter robot
تحليل الشخصيات
ولد البحرين
غريبين النسوان
Hottest Moments
بنت مصر
In this video, I shared 6 unique tips on how to stay 100% focused while studying. I hope this video can be helpful. Leave comments about your tips on how to be more focused!
The math study tip they are NOT telling you - Ivy League math major
00:14 - Tip 1: Don't Study Just to Get Ahead
01:36 - Tip 2: Don't Focus on Completing the Task
02:17 - Tip 3: Imagine Someone is Judging You
03:47 - Tip 4: Get Rid of External Distractions
04:25 - Tip 5: Get Rid of Internal Distractions
05:13 - Tip 6: Have a Reward as Motivation
✨ Contact ✨
Instagram - @hanzhango
TikTok: @hanzhango
About Me:
🥭 How old are you? 23!
🎓 Where did you go to university? Augustana & Columbia University!
🤠 Where do you live? Texas
Sub: 35,581❤
Azari Dance
المطبخ المغربي
Hi, friend! My name is Han, and I am an engineering graduate from Columbia University. In this video, I discuss the negative effects of boredom as an academic emotion on our school and learning experience. I share two research papers that explore ways to reduce boredom while studying, aiming to improve the studying experience and achieve better grades. I understand the challenges that come with boredom in a school setting, so I hope this video can be motivating and helpful if you are currently struggling:)
0:00 Intro & What makes studying so boring
2:32 My experience & Why we need to fix boredom
4:24 Why expecting boredom will make it worse
8:29 Actionable tips on how to cope when it's boring
✨ Contact ✨
Instagram - @hanzhango
TikTok: @hanzhango
About Me:
🥭 How old are you? 23!
🎓 Where did you go to university? Augustana & Columbia University!
🤠 Where do you live? Texas
💜Sub: 36,851
Paper cited in the video:
Tam, Katy YY, Wijnand AP Van Tilburg, and Christian S. Chan. "Whatever will bore, will bore: The mere anticipation of boredom exacerbates its occurrence in lectures." *British Journal of Educational Psychology* 93.1 (2023): 198-210.
Nett, Ulrike E., Thomas Goetz, and Lia M. Daniels. "What to do when feeling bored?: Students' strategies for coping with boredom." *Learning and Individual Differences* 20.6 (2010): 626-638
Tze, Virginia MC, Lia M. Daniels, and Robert M. Klassen. "Evaluating the relationship between boredom and academic outcomes: A meta-analysis." *Educational Psychology Review* 28.1 (2016): 119-144.
المملكة المغربية