أهم مقاطع الفيديو
المملكة المغربية
Impossible Moments in Football
قرآن كريم
Azerbaijan Dance
بنت مصر
جزء من ندوة فى برنامج حكايات_رمزى
Smartest (1000 IQ) Moments
شرح معنى القوة للأطفال
المملكة المغربية
100% Cheating Moments
البصارة المغربية
في هذا الفيديو حدثت في الجزائر مدرسه يسكنها جن وتحدث أمور غريبه جدا...
Hi, my name is Han! I studied Math and Operations Research at Columbia University. In this video, I explain why you understand the math but just can't get the questions right, and the reason is that you are engaging in too much passive learning and not enough active learning. I also explain how you can fix this by implementing more effective active learning in your math studying. I understand that math can become very challenging when you don't find studying it enjoyable, so I hope this video can be motivating and helpful if you're currently struggling with math.
0:00 Intro
1:32 Passive Learning & Active Learning
3:33 Active learning when practice questions
6:12 Understanding problem
7:22 Memorization Problem
8:15 Unfamiliar trick
8:46 Silly mistake
✨ Contact ✨
Instagram - @hanzhango
TikTok: @hanzhango
About Me:
🥭 How old are you? 23!
🎓 Where did you go to university? Augustana & Columbia University!
🤠 Where do you live? Texas (yeehaw
Sub: 31,831
تعليق من المقرئ الشيخ أيمن قرقر
حكايات عالمية
Azerbaijan Dance